
Tweddle 1920’s Timeline
- 1920 Formation of the Society for Health of Women and Children of Victoria (Plunket System) and Tweddle’s origins.
- 1922 Lease of Barkly Street Footscray, Hospital site granted by Footscray Council for a Baby Hospital and Nurses’ Training School
- 1924 The Tweddle Hospital for Babies and School of Mothercraft officially opened by the Countess of Stradbroke. Training of certified Sisters in Infant Welfare (Plunket Sisters) in addition to Primrose Baby Nurses commenced.
- 1925 Erection of Nurses’ Quarters on block facing Sydney St Footscray – land donated by the Footscray Council.
- 1926 The Jane Douglas Endowment Fund established
- 1927 The first grant (for maintenance) made by the Government of Victoria
- 1927 The first Hospital Auxiliary formed in Footscray
- On 28th October 1920, Footscray Council advised the Victorian Treasurer that
- £80 pounds was voted towards the establishment of the Footscray Infant Welfare
- Centre. The Council agreed on an annual contribution of £150 pounds, conditional on a
- government subsidy of an equal amount.
- April 4 1921 – The Secretary of the Public Health Department promises the Council a subsidy of £25 pounds per centre, and Ministerial approval was gained to operate three rooms at 78 Nicholson Street Footscray. (rent of 17 shillings and sixpence per week, furnished by the Council, and a Plunket nurse was placed in charge. (From Footscray Council Annual Report 1920-21).
- Public support was sought and the Footscray Centre, unofficially opened on May 30 1921
- A 15 year lease was granted by the Footscray Council to the Society for the Health of Women and Children in 1922, to land on the corner of Gordon and Barkly Streets Footscray.
- On March 10 1924 the Tweddle Hospital for Babies and the School of Mothercraft was officially opened by the Countess of Stradbroke.
- 1924 – The provision of funds from Joseph Tweddle to allow construction of the Hospital and Training school to commence, it is noted that the original buildings were constructed of timber because of the term of the land lease.

Tweddle 1930’s Timeline
- Lady Irvine opens new buildings
- 1930 Kiosk built at the show-grounds of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, Ascot Vale
- Additions cost £3000 Pounds
The 1930’s Annual Report stated: ‘In consequence for demands for accommodation the Tweddle Baby Hospital and School of Mothercraft found it necessary to enlarge the hospital buildings at Footscray, and yesterday the new cottage for mothers, the additions to the nurses home and a summer house, were opened by Lady Irvine.’
‘There is now room for nineteen babies and four mothers, while eighteen trainees, including those who are training to become Primrose nurses,can be accommodated. The whole of the new building cost £3000 pounds to erect and furnish,and all this sum has been donated with the exception of £700 pounds.’
‘Mr William Angliss M.L.C, donated the sum of £500 pounds and promised to increase it to £800 pounds if that amount was required. The mothers’ cottage is named after his daughter Eirene. Mrs J T Tweddle has given £100 pounds for the erection of a summer house, while Mr Tweddle has guaranteed the society’s overdraft to the extent of £2000 pounds and has presented to the hospital £100 pounds worth of pictures.’
Between 1939 and 1945 Australia was at war with Germany and Japan. The Western Suburbs of Melbourne at that time was a major industrial area with occupations and storage areas that were at that time being used for the production of materials and goods for use by the military forces.
From 1935 on, it became clear that a war would eventuate. Plans were being considered and put into place by the Australian Government. When war commenced many local sites became involved in the war effort.
For Example:
- Munitions Establishments
- Ordinance – Maribyrnong
- Ammunition – Footscray (Tweddle)
- Explosives – Maribyrnong

Tweddle 1940’s Timeline
1941 Announced the Engagement of Eirene Rose Angliss to David Knox son of Sir Robert and Lady Knox They were married in 1942.
An announcement was printed ‘Plans have been completed for the evacuation of the Tweddle Hospital to the Riversdale golf house in Jordonville,and when this is completed the hospital building will be taken over as a private boarding house for woman munition workers’
The reason for this was obviously concern for the welfare of babies, nursing staff and mothers,but it would also release the premises for much needed Accommodation for workers from the nearby munitions factory.
On 18 September 1942,The Age gave praise for the competent manner in which the problems of evacuation were resolved. The (Riversdale) clubhouse had been transformed in the past two months into a smoothly running hospital, capable of accommodating ten babies and three mothers.
- Published a Death Notice for Eirene Rose Knox, after a short illness. She sadly died one month after her daughters christening. She left an infant daughter, Diana Eirene, (Now Mrs Diana Gibson AO)
- Joseph Thornton Tweddle passes away
- Operation resumed in the buildings at Footscray. Freehold title to the Hospital site donated by The Footscray Council.
- 1945 – The transfer of the land title from Footscray Council to the Tweddle Hospital.

Tweddle 1950’s Timeline
- Dr Guy Springthorpe 1954 Obituary
- 1958 The Tweddle Baby Hospital incorporated under the Companies Act 1938 as a Company Limited by Guarantee.
- Foundation Stone of new Hospital laid by Dame Mary Herring.
- 1959 Official opening 10 June 1959 of new Hospital by Her Excellency,Lady Slim, First reception of Toddlers in residence
- On 25 October 1958 the Foundation Stone for the new hospital building was laid in place.(This stone has been moved and is now laid in the concrete driveway in Adelaide Street.)
- Dame Jacobena Angliss and Lady Herring were at the ceremony together with Matron Graham and nurses
- Dame Mary Herring DBE who died on 26 October 1981 at the age of 86 was Patroness of the hospital from 1956-1982. Dame Mary was a daughter of Sir Thomas Lyle who was Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Melbourne. She graduated in Medicine at the University of Melbourne in 1919.
- The publication ‘Footscray’s first 100 years 1859-1959’ also included an article with an image of Her Excellency Lady Slim at the opening ceremony with the following text,under the heading: OPENING OF NEW BUILDING
“There was a gay, festive air at the opening, debt free, of the hospital’s new building by Lady Slim. A band played, the happy guard of honour of nurses, striking in their red and blue caps, and trails of fairy lights added to the pleasantness of the occasion. The guard of honour, headed by the matron (Miss Evelyn Graham) included two nurses from Singapore and another from Fiji who are studying for their infant welfare certificates at Tweddle.”
After opening the new wing Lady Slim unveiled a plaque. She also planted a tree to celebrate the city’s centenary.

Tweddle 1960’s Timeline
- Book of Remembrance commenced
- 1960 Blackall Estate block in Sydney Street Footscray resumed by the Government of Victoria for Hospital purposes.
- 1961 Completion of new dining room, kitchen and store block
- 1963 Official opening of the William Angliss Nurses Home on Crown land in Sydney Street by Dr. J H Lindell.
- Donation of a Show grounds Building by the Commissioners of The State Savings Bank of Victoria. Completion of Matrons Cottage
- 1964 Completion of new Eirene Angliss Mothers and Babies Building, Old Nurses quarters in Sydney Street renovated.
- 1965 Children for foster care and adoption admitted.
- Mrs J W Springthorpe, widow of Dr Springthorpe died in 1966 after serving on the Hospital Council until 1957.
- 1967 Lady Angliss was awarded the Victorian Council of Social Service’s Community Service award for 1967, which was presented to her on the 25th July by His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, for her initiative and leadership in establishing Child Care Week in Victoria, the first such week held anywhere in the world.
- 1968 Miss Evelyn E.Graham retired as Matron of ‘Tweddle’ a position she held with distinction for 18 years during which time the present ‘Tweddle’ buildings were planned and erected.
- The Plunket Auxiliary was inaugurated by Matron G Graham in 1946 when Miss E.Walker was elected President.
- Forty Eight members joined in 1946 and of these Miss H. Binks, Mrs G.Miller, Miss J.Brennan, Miss H.Rawolle and Mrs M.Elcott were still interested members in 1980.

Tweddle 1970’s Timeline
- The last school of Mothercraft Nurses completed their course on the 23rd November 1978. Since September 1989, students from the Footscray Technical College doing the Child Care Studies (Applied Social Science). Course have been coming to Tweddle for the practical experience.
- The Soroptimist Club of Cut Paw Paw sponsored a most attractive leaflet for the Tweddle Auxiliary.
- Matron Ballard attended the 11th Quadrennial Convention of the Soroptimist International in Honolulu in June 1979.
- The West Footscray Rotary Club and Soroptimist Club of Cut Paw Paw donated a beautiful Carousel for the children.
- Princess Mikasa of Japan,visited Tweddle in 1971.
- 1970 was the Jubilee Year
- 1971 Lady Bolte presented Tweddle nurses with Mothercraft exam awards
- 1975 Dame Commander awarded to Jacobena Angliss DBE by Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II
- 1977 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II awarded Dame Jacobena Angliss DBE the Silver Jubilee Medal for outstanding service

Tweddle 1980’s Timeline
- Dame Jacobena Angliss DBE passes away.
- Negotiations continued over the year with many meetings being held to establish the Jacobena Angliss Pre-School Centre at Tweddle. This beautiful Pre-School centre was officially opened by Lady Winneke on 24th July 1980. The Pre-School centre has an extended hours program – 9am – 3pm and is able to admit 23 children (3 places being kept for children with special needs).
- Mrs Betty Burton was elected President of the Tweddle Hospital in 1980 after the death of Dame Jacobena Angliss.
- Mrs Diana Gibson was unanimously elected Patroness of the Tweddle Baby Hospital. The Mother and Baby Cottages were named in memory of her mother Eirene Angliss and the Pre-School Centre after her grand mother Dame Jacobena Angliss DBE.
- 1983 Miss May Angliss was made a Life member after serving 49 years on the Tweddle Central Auxiliary. During her period of office as President of the Central Auxiliary the sum of $63,906 was raised for the Tweddle Baby Hospital
- 1984 Miss Ballard visited various hospitals and pre-school centres in Hong Kong, Red China and Japan.
- 1987 Miss Margot Ballard retired after 22 years.
- 1989 The utilisation of the Hospital continued to increase and inpatients cared for increased from 290 to 700. The average length of stay decreased from 10.1 days to 7.98 days. Daily patient costs reduced from $2257 to $1356.
- There was a withdrawal of State Government funding for extended hours kindergarten causing concern. The hospital undertook to provide an Advisory Service to Hearing Impaired children.
- In 1988/89 the Hospital entered into a Budget Agreement with the Health Department. The purpose of the Agreement was to formalise the relationship between the Hospital and the Health Department in order to clarify the role and responsibilities of each organisation and to clearly
- identify accountability mechanisms. During the negotiations the Hospital agreed to incorporate under the Health Services Act 1988; incorporation will result in Tweddle Baby Hospital becoming registered as a Schedule 1 Public Hospital.
- The funding levels of the hospital remain an unresolved issue. Inadequate funding hindered the opening of a fully staffed and operational Parent and Infant Unit with a rooming in facility.
- The installation of industrial strength laundry equipment was completed.
- The newly created Chief Executive Officer position was assumed by Ms Betty Hassold.
1981-1982 Council of the Tweddle Baby Hospital
President Mrs Betty Burton
Vice President Dr J Glyn White
Honorary Secretary Mr A J Mangan
Honorary Treasurer Mr K E Hambly
Honorary Public Relations Officer Mr J McDougall
Elected Member Miss E M Angliss
Mrs M J Angliss
Mrs M V Angliss
Mrs H David
Mrs R R Downe
Mrs A J Mangan
Mrs J Mercer
Mrs C Redman
Miss P Brennan
Mrs W Jamieson
Mrs P R Angliss
Mrs Diana Gibson
Mrs W M K Stephens
(daughter Jacqueline Stephens a donor)
Patroness Mrs Diana Gibson
Director of Nursing Miss M N Ballard

Tweddle 1990’s Timeline
- 1990-1991 – The Annual report indicates that Tweddle went from being the Tweddle Baby Hospital to being Tweddle Child and Family Health Service. ‘Incorporation proceeded as planned and on 31 October 1990,the Tweddle Child and family Health Service came into being. Incorporation under the Health Services Act 1988 resulted in the disbanding, after many years, of the Tweddle Council. This action was viewed with great sadness as the Councillors have given so much to Tweddle over very many years. The Tweddle Board conferred Life Governorships upon all immediate and past Council Memberships.
- President Nigel W.J. Hocking stated and staff saw the development of the Future Directions policy. This document established a blue print for the philosophy, structure and service provision of Tweddle into the twenty first Century.
- The hospital has continued to seek ways in which to maximise resources and reduce expenses. However the current unrealistic funding situation in which Tweddle is expected to raise one of the largest amounts of other revenue incomes, compared to the budget, has once again resulted in an operating deficit for the hospital.
- The Parent and Infant Unit commenced operation on March 26th 1990 and heralded major changes to the service structure at Tweddle.
- The Parent and Infant Unit offered a Monday to Friday residential service for five to six parents and their infants under 12 months of age.
- 1991 The Jacobena Angliss Pre-School was threatened with a severe funding reduction. The Future Directions Master Plan placed a priority on increasing the capacity of the Parent and Infant Unit by negotiating with the Health Department for funding to open two additional beds and to operate on a seven day per week basis.
- 1994 A major change for Tweddle has been the transfer of the service and the other early parenting centres, from the Department of Health and Community Services’ Acute Health Services Division to the Primary Care Division. As part of that change, the Department has undertaken a policy redevelopment project for the early parenting centres.
- Day stay programs were operating out of Hoppers Crossing, Footscray and Delahey
- A $1.3 million grant from the Department of Health and Community Services enabled the commencement of a building contract and building works for the redevelopment of Sydney Street facilities. (Announced by the Honourable Marie Tehan)
- 1996 The year commenced with two units at 398 Barkly Street and finished with one unit at 53 Adelaide Street. The residential unit now operates six days a week with two admission intakes. Day Stay programs operated at St Albans, Footscray and Hoppers Crossing.
- A local General Practitioner attends Tweddle on a twice weekly basis to meet the medical needs of clients.
- With RMIT and The Royal Children’s Hospital, Tweddle entered into a three year agreement with the Department of Human Services to operate a state wide parenting skills development centre. Tweddle participated in the Department’s Early Parenting Centre’s Redevelopment. As part of that process, Tweddle agreed to address the issue of non English speaking background families access to and use of early parenting centres. This project compliments a once off funded program by the City of Maribyrnong to provide parent education to local Vietnamese families.
- 1998 Tweddle introduced a Day Stay program in Hume (Tullamarine).
- Tweddle provided 19 educational seminars to 278 health professionals
- Minister Dennis Napthine and Tweddle President Graham Jasper launch Tweddle’s book – Sleep Right Sleep Tight.
- Commencement with a partnership with the Djerriwarrh Health Service to deliver services in Bacchus Marsh.
Quotes from Annual Reports
“Tweddle’s new parent and infant unit was officially opened by the member for Footscray,Mr. Fordham last Wednesday. It has 12 beds,six for adults and six for children,including one room which can house both parents. It is designed to allow western suburbs’ families access to local rooming-in facilities for the first time where they have access to professional nursing staff to attend to their problems.”
“The Sydney Street Nurses Home was transformed from a very ordinary cream brick residential facility into a stylish,colourful and distinctive building. It was planned that the new extensions should dominate the existing building in order to diminish its institutional feel and to create a new atmosphere and personality for Tweddle. Hede architects provided the concept and brought it to reality with the assistance of the Project Control Group.”
The building process was not without its pain and difficulty. Weather and other problems turned a six month project into a nine month event.The scope of the redevelopment was enormous and included the construction and or addition of;
- Six new bedrooms and the refurbishment of 21 existing bedrooms
- Two new bathrooms and three refurbished bathrooms
- Two new parent lounges and family rooms
- A large education room
- Nurses station and inquiry booking nurse office
- Development of storage room/medical records
- Six kitchens including a commercial kitchen
- An industrial laundry and plant room
- Refurbishment of the Administration wing
- Landscaping and automatic watering system
- Hydronic heating and air conditioning
- New computer facilities
- Two new car parks
- New security system
- New upgraded telephone system
- Window coverings,furniture and equipment
This listing gives a brief glimpse of the scope of the work undertaken during the redevelopment. The capital cost of the project was $1,636,552.This figure increased to $1.9 million when plant,equipment and furnishings were included. After many delays the services finally relocated to 53 Adelaide Street on Monday 18 March 1996.

Tweddle 2000’s Timeline
- 2000 – 80 years old
- Day Stay services commence at Williamstown Hospital in addition to Tullamarine, Bacchus Marsh, Hoppers Crossing and Footscray.
- The PASDS program was introduced, a 10 day residential program for infants deemed ‘high risk’ by the Department of Human Services.
- Professional education was delivered to 277 participants
- Tweddle first service for mums at the Deer Park Correction Centre.
- 2001 Day Stay program in Terang commenced
- Commenced research projects with The Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society
- 1228 professionals attended Tweddle seminars
- Betty Hassold retired
- 2002 Tweddle ran parenting sessions for fathers admitted for a residential program in partnership with Relationships Australia
- Heath Lyon commenced at CEO in July 2002 and departed in March
- 2003 Home visiting trial commences
- 2003 Interim CEO Vivienne Amery commences
- Great niece of Mr Joseph Thornton Tweddle, Mrs Julie Chuhan and her husband Majeed (Maj) visited Tweddle
- 2004 Vivienne Amery appointed as CEO – Friends of Tweddle commenced
- The development of a psychology service
- A new outdoor playground is built
- Research carried out by the School of Population Health, University of Melbourne
- 2005 A fee for service Day Stay program commenced at The Northern Hospital in Epping.
- Prison services are delivered at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre for Women, Melbourne Assessment Prison for men and Tarrengower.
- Introduction of a detailed health check for all women admitted to the residential program in response to residential research program.
- New in home breastfeeding support service introduced for families in Hume
- 2006 Cessation of health professional education seminars
- 2007 Launched new community Day Stay programs in Geelong and Melton
- Launched community based breastfeeding support service in Brimbank as part of the Federal Government Communities for Children Initiative
- Introduction of a social work service (William Buckland Foundation)
- Postnatal Depression group programs commence (PRC/Ian Potter Foundation)
- 2008 Agreement on a unit price for early parenting services and a significant increase to Tweddle’s recurrent funding from 1 July 2008
- Establishment of Tweddle@Home
- Established three MyTime groups in parents west for parents of children with special needs
- New 5 year Strategic plan launched
- 2009 Loss of Community Day Stay centres in Williamstown and Epping

Tweddle 2010’s Timeline
- 2010 – 90 years old
- Refurbishment of premises in Sydney Street Footscray as new Psychology consulting rooms
- Accreditation achieved from the Australian Council of Healthcare Standards (ACHS) – EquIP
- New Day Stay service for Vietnamese families commences in Brimbank 2011
- Joint early parenting sector submissions to the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children’ inquiry
- Partnered with Western Health to deliver Childbirth Education
- Extension of mental health services
- Development of new communication plan and establishment of Tweddle in social media
- 2012 Completion of Jean Hailes Foundation Day Stay research
- Completion of NHMRC research into Residential services
- Three year Alfred Felton Bequest grant Received to measure parenting confidence
- Research grant from Victorian Women’s Trust funded research ‘Empowering Somali Mums’
- 2013 CEO Vivienne Amery departs and Ms Jacquie O’Brien Commences as CEO
- New five year strategic plan is released
- Channel 9’s The Block refurbishes Footscray Day Stay Unit
- Delivered a therapeutic ‘PlaySteps’ program in Macedon Ranges with Medicare Local funding
- 2014 – 2015 – 95 Years Old – Celebration at Whitten Oval
- Tweddle joined State and Federal Governments in delivering a formal apology for past forced adoption practices which mainly took part between 1950 and 1975
- Introduced an indigenous parenting program, Ballert Bubup
- Partnered with Sons of The West, ( Western Bulldogs ) to deliver health seminars for men across the west.
- Change in service delivery model to provide support services in the home
- New Infant and Perinatal Psychology and In Home service launched.
- Improving online referral accessibility, and the pilot of a duty worker.
- Priority partner in the Maribyrnong ‘Family Strengthening Strategy 2015-2018’.
- Working with the Family Drug Treatment Court
- 2012 Closure of Brimbank Vietnamese Day Stay
- Hosted the Australasian Association of Parenting and Child Health Conference
- Parliamentary Secretary For Families and Community Services, Ms Andrea Coote launched Tweddle’s new Infant
and Perinatal Psychology Service and In Home Support Service - 2015 Working Out Dads pilot – Maribyrnong and Wyndham launch
- Infant Mental Health Awareness Week – Babies’ Brains Matter Seminar – business breakfast
- Construction of new Family Pod commences
- Peer Support Worker Pilot
- New Brimbank Breastfeeding Clinic
- Marce Conference and OPEN Research Symposium presentations
- HoPES Program continues in Geelong and Footscray
- Parenting, Babies & Toddlers App launched
- Sleep Play Bond Video series launched
- Minister Gabrielle Williams MP and Ms Katie Hall MP Member for Footscray opened Family Strengthening Unit
- Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews and Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos visited Tweddle to announce $9m redevelopment funding

Tweddle 2020’s Timeline
- A key partnership with the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (CFECFW) to deliver Victoria’s nursing, parenting and health practitioners training in the latest evidence based approaches to sleep and settling.
- HoPES Program receives recurrent funding
- Andrews Labor Government – Tweddle redevelopment plans progress
- Working Out Dads – randomised controlled trial (RCT) research grant announced with thanks to Associate Professor Rebecca Giallo and the Murdoch Children’s Research institute
- A pilot evaluation of Tweddle’s ten day PASDS commenced in partnership with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and funded by a Learning System Grant
- Launch of Tweddle’s Reconciliation Action Plan
- Tweddle transitions to telehealth in response to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Therapy dog Ajay joins Tweddle